Friday, April 27, 2007

The Final Post

Looking back on this semester, I feel that my writing skills have definitely improved. If anything, I now know the proper way to cite practically anything. :-) Besides which, I've learned how to write a lit review (I never even knew those existed before this class) and how to create a good thesis. I've always had problems with theses- generally I don't formulate one until after I've written a few pages of my paper. But, this semester, I've been trying to formulate a specific argument from the very start of my paper.

Besides improving my thesis writing skills, I also learned the proper placement of a concession paper, and how to introduce a quote. An interesting thing Ihad never known before this class, is that topic paragraphs should be roughly the same length in order to show the reader that all topics are of equal importance. I think this point helped to improve the structure of my papers.

Lastly, I really enjoyed some of the readings for this class. My favorite reading, by far, was on Sylvia Plath. I really connected to her writing and her story. I was not a fan of the second essay. I had a lot of trouble writing it because I could not connect to the topic. I actually enjoyed researching and writing my final paper. I have a genuine interest in the Fitzgeralds, and found researching their life fascinating.

1 comment:

caroline said...

Good post. I'm glad you felt as though you learned more about your writing. You completed all the blog posts (and only one was late), so you received an A on the research journal assignment. Have a great summer!