Thursday, February 1, 2007

My Autobiography

My name is Teresa (Tracy) Rose Sakon. I was named after my grandmother who is one of the most admirable people I know.

My family is like any family- seemingly normal from the outside, and incredibly annoying otherwise. My father is a lovable hypochondriac who watches the science fiction channel. He is very protective and has a “no one is allowed to mess with my daughter accept me” parenting philosophy. My mother is very practical, loving, and focused. The last time I saw her cry was when her computer crashed. She is very easy to talk to about anything. My brother and I are five years and some odd months apart in age, because my mother assumed the age gap would prevent us from fighting too much. She was very wrong in her assumption. However, we get along better now that we are older. And there is my dog, Vera, who I swear is the most loved member of my family, probably because she never says anything.

Ever since I was three years old, I have lived in the same house in Avon, Connecticut, a truly uneventful small suburban town. It was actually named the third safest town in the nation. My high school was intense-a constant focus on APS, SATS, and college admissions. I am not very good under pressure, and so I never performed as well as I could have, to the dismay of my parents. However, I have always noticed that things seem to work out for me in the end.

I guess where I am right now is kind of at a crossroads. I have left my small town to attend college in Washington, DC. It has been the first time I have had to truly rely on myself, which has not been as bad as I thought it would be. I am really anxious to see the world. I am not the type of person who plans everything out: I have many things I want to accomplish and places I want to see, but the when and why doesn’t particularly interest me. I want to own my own restaurant or boutique, teach English, travel and work abroad, join the Peace Corps, and publish my own book. I don’t think accomplishing these things is as important to me as dreaming that I will.

That is the autobiography I wrote for our assignment, I think I should add "Leisure technologist" to my list of things to accomplish. :-)

This is the blog I am going to track for the semester: It is the blog of the sex columnist for The Hatchet. I thought it might be interesting, since it is written by a GW student.

1 comment:

caroline said...

Good opening post. You gave your readers a good sense of who you are. Nice job.